Ellos Group’s approach to sustainability issues is governed by its Code of Conduct, which is an ethical framework that includes a large number of policies. The framework comprises three main areas: anti-corruption and business ethics, labour standards and human rights, and environment. All policies are easily accessible to all employees via Ellos Group’s intranet. In addition, a summary of Ellos Group’s Code of Conduct is provided in a separate document that clearly and simply communicates the Code of Conduct to its employees.
The Group has established goals for sustainability work in five focus areas that the Group particularly prioritises: sustainable materials, social assessment of suppliers, chemicals, packaging and logistics solutions for customers. To measure how well the Company relates to sustainability goals and to create transparency with Company stakeholders, Ellos Group prepares annual sustainability reports in accordance with GRI Standards. Since 2015, Ellos Group has annually published separate sustainability reports, in addition to the sustainability reporting in the annual report. For 2023, no separate sustainability report will be published, as Ellos Group is preparing for coming sustainability reporting in accordance with CSRD.